Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (aka Transformers 2) is the second Transformers series of science fiction and action film due for release on June 24, 2009, with world premier on June 8 in Tokyo, Japan. It is the sequel to 2007’s Transformers, which was the first live action Transformers film. Shia LaBeouf is still acting as the role of Sam Witwicky, the human being caught between Autobots and Deceptions, while Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg return respectively as director and executive producer.

The official theatrical trailer has been released by Paramount Picture for final marketing push before Transformers: RotF the film is shown in cinema. Watch the final Transformers 2 theatrical trailer in High Definition (HD) resolution here.

Previously, several teaser trailers for Transformers: Revenger of the Fallen have also been released, which are also available in true HD quality. The last of the trailer is also been shown on commercial TV spot, such as during Super Bowl.