Samsung Electronics has officially announced the launch of its new, first Windows 7 Phone, dubbed as Samsung OMNIA 7 (GT-I8700), which comes equipped with a large, stunning 4-inch SUPER AMOLED WVGA touchscreen, 1GHz processor, 5-megapixel AF camera with LED flash, 720p HD video capture, A-GPS, Bluetooth 2.1, Wi-Fi b/g/n, 8GB on-board memory and FM Radio with RDS. The OMNIA 7 incorporates a customizable Start Screen (home screen) that features live Tiles for showing real-time updates from sites, news, appointments or social media status.

Besides social-oriented functionality, the users also are allowed to access popular Microsoft services such as Xbox LIVE and Zune directly on Samsung OMNIA 7 for an enhance entertainment experience.

“The Samsung OMNIA 7 is our first Windows Phone 7 smartphone and we anticipate that consumers will be drawn to the premium entertainment experience. The device demonstrates our commitment to satisfying consumers with a choice of platforms that fit diverse needs,” commented JK Shin, president and head for Mobile Communications Business at Samsung Electronics. “We are excited to partner with Microsoft for this milestone.”

Samsung OMNIA 7 that packs Windows Phone Hubs for simplifying information and tasks is expected to be available in certain areas during the holiday 2010.

Update: Samsung Omnia 7 will hit Orange stores on October 21 for free, based on £40 monthly two-year service contract.