When user right clicks on Control Panel in Start Menu, there is not “Pin To Taskbar” right click contextual menu item available that allows user to pin the Control Panel to Windows 7 Taskbar. Drag and drop the Control Panel shortcut to Taskbar on Windows 7 to pin Control Panel folder on Taskbar does not work either.

However, Control Panel of Windows 7 can be pinned to Taskbar easily. It’s possible to use the hack to pin any folder to Windows 7 Taskbar for Control Panel. However, there is easier hack. Follow the trick below on how to pin the Control Panel to Windows 7 Taskbar easily.

  1. Launch Control Panel (meaning: open Control Panel folder).
  2. A Control Panel button should be displayed on the Windows 7 Taskbar. Right click on the Control Panel icon on the Task Bar, and then select Pin this program to taskbar option.

    Pin Control Panel to Taskbar of Windows 7

  3. Close Control Panel.
  4. A Control Panel button is now pinned on Taskbar.

    Pinned Control Panel on Windows 7 Task Bar

Tip: To unpin Control Panel from Taskbar, just right click on it and select “Unpin this program from taskbar”.