User script or user JavaScript, which made popular by Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox, has been used by many web surfers to customize or change user experience and fix bugs when visiting various websites or web apps. With the tremendous popularity of Greasemonkey add-on in Firefox web browser, other web browsers’ users, including Opera users, may also want to install and run customized user scripts or JavaScript.

In Opera, no Greasemonkey or Greasemonkey-alike plugin, add-on or widget is required, as the support for user scripts are built into the core of the web browser. Here’s the step to install and run user script in Opera:

  1. Download and save the user script (name typically in the format of *.user.js) into a folder.

    The folder can be located at anywhere on local computer, but as all user scripts have to be stored in the folder, it’s recommended to name the folder with a identifiable folder name such as “Opera User Scripts”.

  2. Run Opera web browser.
  3. Click on Tools pull down menu and select Preferences.
  4. Go to Advanced tab.
  5. Go to Content section in the left pane.
  6. Click on the JavaScript Options button at the end of “Enable JavaScript” option.

    Opera JavaScript Options

    Note: Ensure that Enable JavaScript check box is ticked.

  7. Enter the full path to the location of folder which stores the user scripts in User JavaScript folder text box. User can click on Choose button to browser for folder.

    Opera User Scripts (Greasemonekey) Scripts

  8. Click on OK button to exit from Preference dialog window.
  9. User scripts now been applied on Opera web browser.