DriverAgent is a software utility that automatically identifies computer’s hardware device information, and checks if there’s a newer driver available. DriverAgent is owned by Phoenix Technologies, and can be used to update the device drivers or solve the driver problems on a PC, where DriverAgent has a database of more than 1,265,936 driver update files.

Features of DriverAgent include:

  • Driver Updates for better PC performance and improved stability.
  • Faster Downloads! DriverAgent download speeds are up to 10X faster.
  • Tested and proven to work, and potentially saving countless hours to search for new drivers, or odd drivers especially after reinstalling Windows on older PC.
  • Safe to use, secure and trusted. Application certification by VeriSign.


DriverAgent costs $29.95 annually. In conjunction of 2009 International CES, Phoenix Technologies was giving away a free temporary “Driver’s License” to use DriverAgent for 3 days for free in order to scan computer system and update the outdated drivers.

To get the free Temporary Driver’s License, visit the following URL, and then provide your e-mail address and click on the FREE Test Drive button.

Once submitted, a free 3-day driver’s license membership, which is the registration user name and password to login to and download the DriverAgent to scan the computer for latest drivers. Users will then get a summary scan results with direct download links to latest driver available.

The free 3-day Driver Agent license promotion ends on January 15, 2009.