If you like to do web surfing during office hour in an exposed cubicle like me, there could be a chance that you may get caught by your boss. Occasionally it should be alright but when you are surfing some sensitive websites such as job hunting or social networking websites, it may give a bad impression to him. I searched around and found this tool to be very useful in avoiding such scenarios. Named as Panic 0.3.3, it is a Firefox add-on program that prevents you from getting panic by able to switch your existing sensitive web browsing activities back to normal preprogrammed website with just a single hotkey click.

The tiny add-on extension is suitable for Firefox version 2.0 to 3.0. Just launch your Mozilla Firefox and click at Firefox add-on for quick installation. Once completed, you will find the panic option appeared under Tool menu in your Firefox web browser. Remember, you need to restart the web browser for it to take effect. Now, you can go to Tool, follow by Panic option to select Panic setting to set the website address that you want to switch to during emergency condition. Also, you can program which hot key you want to assign to for the website switching to take place. Once done, just click on the hotkey and it will close all the existing websites and switch it back to the new website page that you choose. For my case, I put my company homepage as the default website and it works great!