One problem with the rapid advance of technology is that it leaves many casualties in its wake. DVDs have made CDs largely irrelevant while digital photos have made the slide photos of yesteryears merely a collection item. However, if you have boxes of slides and 35mm negatives in your collection, don’t despair. The digital photo frame you gave to Mum last Christmas will also not be wasted if Mum insists on photos in the slide format. Just get hold of the Slides 2 PC this Christmas.

SLIDES 2 PC from ION Audio is an easy to use and high-resolution 35mm Slide & Negative Digital Converter that can easily convert your old memories from the old 35mm film negatives into 5-meagapixel digital images. The conversion process is fast and simple. Users can just connect this device to the PC via a USB port and with a touch of a button will get the digitalizing process done. This tiny device has two trays which has up to six slots each. Users just need to install the device software and monitor a blue light indicator on the device. The blue light will tell users when the SLIDES 2 PC is correctly connected to the computer and is ready to scan. This slide and negative converter is also featured with fixed-focus range, automatic exposure and colour balance functions to produce accurate colour conversions to ensure your sweet family photos, graduation, vacations, etc are captured optimally.

You don’t have to let your valuable memories collect dust or turn yellow and fade away. It only costs you US$100 to digitize your old memories via this SLIDES 2 PC.